Collectable | Date of Construction: 2021-10 |
Blade Characteristics Steel Type: Interrupted Twist Composition  : O1 & 15N20+sutton hoo Billet #  : n/a Number of Layers: Hard to say Pattern: Twist Etch: Medium Polish: Satin Dimension (inches) Length: 13.375 Max Thickness: 0.0022 Min Thickness: 0.065 |
Handle Characteristics Grip Material: ziricote Grip Type : Box Tang Fittings Material: SS & hot blued mild steel Fasteners: SS bolts Dimension (inches) Length: 5.75 Max Thickness: 0.001372 Min Thickness: 0.935 Max Height: 0.001375 Min Height: 0.663 |
Heat Treatment Austenization & Quenching Heat Source: Oven Temperature (F): 1500 Quench material: Oil Quench temperature (F): ambient Tempering Temperature (F): 400 Duration (hrs): 2 Repetitions: 1 |
wrought iron-L6-mild steel -~30 layers - interrupted twist - four bars welded to form the body & a 200 layer O1-L6 edge welded on. This is following the recipe for the Sutton Hoo sword - with the pommel as an owl face - the Sutton Whoo dagger |